MEDICAL MODULAR SYSTEM has always understood quality as one of the pillars on which to ensure its accreditation in the market and on which to build sustained growth.
The Management of MEDICAL MODULAR SYSTEM has a strong commitment in this regard, extending its impact to all the stakeholders with whom it works or has a relationship: CLIENTS, SUPPLIERS, PAs, etc.
MEDICAL MODULAR SYSTEM has a Quality Management System that is used as a tool for continuous improvement, based on its Quality and Environmental Policy and developed through annual and semi-annual programs with defined objectives and metrics.
Within the framework of quality, MEDICAL MODULAR SYSTEM maintains a clear commitment to the ENVIRONMENT, so that during the provision of the service we have in mind the minimisation of resource consumption and waste generation.
Principles of the Integrated Management System of
Medical Modular System
The Management of Medical Modular Systems has established the necessary mechanisms so that throughout the organisation, as well as those employees who work on our behalf, the Policy described is known, understood, and put into practice.